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Get Involved

Is Christ Calling You? Find out!

Do you want to go deeper in your relationship with God, explore your Catholic Faith and change the culture around you by living the mission you were given at baptism? So do Regnum Christi Members!

Following the call to Regnum Christi means knowing God’s profound love for you and deepening your love for Him, striving for authentic holiness in your own life and sharing Christ’s joy with others in evangelization, all as a lay Catholic in the world and in your parish. In Regnum Christi, we awaken the individual and the family to their mission in life and in the Church.


Regnum Christi includes Legionary priests, consecrated men and women, seminarians, diocesan priests and lay people. We live as the Holy Spirit intended, with joy, zeal, and passion for Christ.

We work as Jesus did. We show others His love, form apostles and send them out to help build the Kingdom of Christ. Regnum Christi isn’t a service organization or a prayer group. Membership is a vocation that calls us to spiritual commitments and growth, combined with apostolic action to evangelize the world.

We serve vast numbers of people locally through our various outreach efforts, retreats, programs, youth camps and local missions. Learn more about who we are and what we do on this website,  To learn more about Regnum Christi worldwide visit: You also can get an overview by downloading our free brochure. Or visit our Facebook page to see what sorts of things are happening day-to-day.

The best way to discern if you have a call to Regnum Christi is to pray for the light of the Holy Spirit and take a step forward in Faith!



Step 1: Connect!

Join the mission of Regnum Christi by participating in the many retreats, missions, Catholic small groups and evangelizing programs we work with. Taste and see what it is like to share your faith with others!

Regnum Christi is a Spiritual Family. That means we support each other, encourage each other, and live our Christian lives connected to God together. Reach out and connect with a Regnum Christi member by emailing Walk the path of discernment with someone who is living the call and know you will be welcomed into a warm community of people who are looking forward to meeting you.​


Step 2: Experience!

Your experience of Regnum Christi starts with getting to know Jesus Christ and through him, getting to know who you are and what he has planned for you. It may be something immense – it may be something small by the world’s standards. But it will be important and will help to evangelize the world.

In addition to getting involved with the mission of evangelization in the Church, Regnum Christi members make a commitment to Christ to grow in our spiritual lives and strive for holiness 24/7. Step by step, we gradually take on a life of prayer.

A Regnum Christi member’s prayer life includes praying morning prayers as we offer our day to God, reading and praying with the Gospel during the day, praying one or more decades of the rosary, and making an examination of conscience with our night prayers in the evening. Regnum Christi members also attend weekly prayer meetings called ‘The Encounter with Christ’, a half-day retreat monthly, and three-day spiritual exercises annually. The goal is to live in the presence of God, praying at all times as St. Paul taught us. Talk to a Regnum Christi member about their prayer life and try living it yourself. See where God takes you!

Your journey may begin by exploring the many resources in the Regnum Christi Spirituality Center. Perhaps a retreat for a day or weekend can get you started – or a mission trip to experience the joy of helping others in real need.​


Step 3: Commit!

After a time of discernment in which you prayerfully explore if God is calling you to live your life in the spirituality, community and mission of Regnum Christi, you are welcome to make a formal commitment and become a member. This is done by writing a letter to the director of the local Regnum Christi group in your area, and joining one of the local Regnum Christi teams (a group of Regnum Christi members who meet to pray and work in evangelization together and support each other in their day to day Christian life).

A Regnum Christi member’s life is an adventure and a mission. It means following the Crucified Christ with love, and being a part of something bigger than yourself. It’s allowing God to touch the world through you and finding yourself changed in the process. It’s loving the Church and living the Joy of the Gospel.

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© 2024 Regnum Christi Calgary

Images Courtesy of Regnum, Fr. Michael O'Connor & Ralph Kroll

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