Mens Leadership series
Enlightening Leaders - Pursuing Excellence Influencing Culture
Leadership Circle 1 Fr. Kenneth LeBlanc LC
Leadership Circle 2 & 3 Fr. Daniel Wilson LC
Leadership Circle 4 Fr. Nathaniel Haslam LC
Inviting all men from Western Canada to join us in Calgary once per month for an essential leadership series opportunity. Men are called to be the salt of the earth and a beacon of light at home, at work and within their community. Lumen is at the forefront of faith-based leadership, leading the way through the mentoring of business leaders.
For Further Information Contact Kent Wang:
Dear RC Men,
Bill and I are delighted to announce the Men's Breakfasts are resuming starting with Fr Kenneth on Thursday, September 22.
This year we are doing it a little differently, we are offering a series based on the book "The Source and Summit of Leadership" by Fr. Nathaniel Haslam, LC. There will be four breakfasts and a conference following the final breakfast. We are flying Fr. Nathaniel in from Houston for the last breakfast and conference. The cost is $250 for all four breakfasts, the conference and Fr Nathaniel's book. Register below.
This series, those that follow and the eventual development of Lumen are focused on forming a community of Christian business leaders to help each other face the challenges in culture, heightening fear and the breakdown of values in the workplace.
Please take part in this important apostolate and invite your friends.
Kent Wang